Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ex Girl advice Entering back into a relationship?

about 2 years ago this girl and i started the school year and were naturally attracted to each other. We were pretty close but never going out, so we continued to just be friends. Some months later i was faced with reality and i hadn't made a move and she had moved on, pretty much closing all communication, Messenger blocked barely talked in school. I sent roses to say sorry and how i wish things worked out but had her friend come up to me and tell me no, which was i think low. though i would always find her looking at me.

Fast Forwarding about a week ago, she unblocked me, starting small talk again in person, and still eye contact casually. I can't decide if she does indeed like me still or not, i am not shy in the sense i don't' talk much, i am very outgoing, but when it comes to her i can't seem to ever find the right words to approach. What advice can you give me :DEx Girl advice Entering back into a relationship?
She might feel the same way you do, or like she made a mistake. She might be trying to talk to you so she can be friends. Either way, don't blow her off but make sure she isn't trying to hurt you first. Talk to her casually and try to figure out what she's trying to say.Ex Girl advice Entering back into a relationship?
actions say a lot....she unblocking you on the messenger says a lot about how she feels about you...since she's not ready to verbally express her feelings, unblocking you is her way of letting u re-enter into her life...go slow, and yes she's interested, don't send anymore that for later

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