me and my boyfriend have been togeather for a year and a half. and it started out good then about 2 months into it we went to the shore(nj) and we got a hotel room and i dont remeber what we were fighting about but i kicked the trash can that we was holding on to and we started to fist fight well i socked him right in his eye and he griped me up by my neck. he never said sorry he told of his friend cuz he though it was funny. he made me look like a moron. after that we would alway fight and and he would alway grip me then he had a 35,000$ car and his mom would always b*tch to him about the car payment(hes 23 yrold and the car is under his mom's name) so by this time i was living with him and all we had at the time was the exsect amouth money that the car payment was and his mom took it(his mom would keep him in her room for 2hrs at a time everynight wile i would sit in his room, so rude) so he came back and i told him that he would have givin her half cuz he getting...I need some advice about my relationship!!!!?
and you love him? sorry but its time to love yourself first. he depends on mommy and you and treats you like crap. nope, give him back to mommy and you go start your own life before he ruins yours. NEVER LET A MAN ABUSE YOUI need some advice about my relationship!!!!?
Time to recoup your loses and move on. Too much drama for someone so young.. Move on.
Get out move on....AND THE BOTH OF YOU NEED TO GROW UP! Physical violence in a relationship IS NOT NORMAL!
Only advise I have is get the hell out today
Sounds like you need a break. Leave while you can before you wind up getting pregnant and having to stay. Sounds like you need to let me see how much you mean to him. GET OUT FAST!!!!!!
Sound like you both need to grow up and mature a little, your posting makes my head spin.
run and don't look back. what the hell are u doing with him. and i blame u that u live with
Domestic Violence between the two of you and you want to stay in this relationship why??? don't get it never will understand it if your not happy with this man simply pack up your things and move on and away from him, what do you need an invitation? get the hell out of there.. Your in for a life of misery with this man and his family.. think of having to live in this type of violence for twenty years, an everyday struggle and fighting.. it will make you age faster and end up full of regrets I can't imagine how some women stay in situations like this.. LEAVE HIM AT ONCE.. Your not for each other.. NO COUNSELING NO TALKING NO FIXING FORGET IT.. NOTHING IS GOING TO WORK YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS DOOMED AT THIS TIME.. TOO MUCH VIOLENCE.. OR I CAN GIVE YOU THIS OTHER ADVICE FOR WOMEN THAT REFUSE TO UNDERSTAND THIS... IF YOU DECIDE TO KEEP GIVING THIS RELATIONSHIP ANOTHER TRY... TAKE IT OR LEAVE HIM.. IS YOUR ONLY CHOICE. GOOD LUCK.
Dump him, he is a loser. A REAL loser.
Break it off. As hard as it may seem to end this relationship your life will certainly improve afterwards. The abuse possible cheating and the fact you dont want to even kiss him anymore should tell you this is not a good guy to be with. He sounds immature and needs a couple years to grow up before hes ready for a serious relationship.
you need to leave..he doesn't want to be with you any more so leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you like being treated like dog sh*t, then by all means stay with this creep and be his personal punching bag. Gather up your self esteem and get away from this momma's boy! Trust me, you'll be much happier!
Stay together!! If your not smart enough to know that your not supposed to hit each other and that your relationship is doomed then you deserve each other. If his mom was smart she would kick both of you out so both of you can live in the real world. If your boyfriend has trouble paying a car payment what makes you think he will get any better in the future! Your lives are filled with drama, it can be addicting and never change.
This is a really sour and dangerous relationship. Get out before you end up pregnant for sure. You don't need any ties to a man like this.
What are you ******* stupid? this guy is an asshole. This is coming from a guy. This momas boy pussy has to grab you by the neck, to show you what a man he is ? If i even saw that I would kick his ***.
I am sure this is not what you want to hear, but this is going down the wrong path. Neither of you respect the other. If you marry him it will only get worse between the both of you. Leave now while it is cheap and no kids are invested. If you get married and it does not change, you could have children and then have to pay for a divorce. I have a hard time understanding you say you love him. You really need to think more of yourself. Stand tall and on your own. This is not love at this point. If you love someone, they would not do the things that he is doing. Good Luck!!
You have only been together less then two years and he is acting like this? It may only get worse as time goes on. This situation has so many problems I don't think it can be fixed nor do I think its worth fixing. From what you said there is physical abuse, you can't stand to be intimate (it almost sounds like he is raping you from what you said) and you can't stand to hear his voice. He has a real problem with his mom and he sounds like he has poor money handling skills if he is buying an expensive car. And having a baby in this relationship would be a disaster waiting to happen. I would suggest you end your relationship now and move on with your life. I think that though you love him your with a guy that has no respect for you and has no idea how to properly treat a woman. He is abusive and childish. Leave before it gets worse. I will pray for you and I wish you good luck.
You need to grow up a little bit and run from this relationship. You need to respect yourself more and figure out that you really don't love him but you like the choas that goes along with this vilitile relationship. Someone is going to get hurt, and very bad if this continues. I've seen this a least 2 dozen times and it doesn't turn out too good for either person.
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