Don't spend much time focusing on the past amount of time that cannot be replaced. Don't spend time rationalizing why you were with him or her in the first place. Don't rush into another relationship until the grieving is over and healing is complete.
Do assess what you can do differently next time.Spiritually speaking: what advice would you give to somebody who has just ended a long term relationship?
Don't repeat the same mistakes, twice.
Was your relationship more physical then spiritual/emotional?
Did you fail to put boundaries on the relationship and just let it ';progress'; without any real game plan?
Did you 'shack' up with him/her before you were married?
Were you not on the same level economically, intellectually, spiritually, and morrally?
Did you put as much time waiting for the ';right person'; as you put into finding the 'right car' or the 'right apartment' , etc?
Basically use this time to figure out what you did and endevour to do the opposite next time.
MOST people have a series of mediocre or bad relationships because they fall into the same rut.
Like getting into relationships based mostly on sex OR finding people at parties or bars and then being surprised when the person doesn't have the same moral/spiritual outlook on life.
Seek people that are LIKE you -- Opposites attract, but they rarely make a lastly relationship.Spiritually speaking: what advice would you give to somebody who has just ended a long term relationship?
I'd say spend time focusing on yourself. Re-evaluate what you want out of life, what your goals are, what type of partner you're looking for etc.
Travel, enjoy the solo time, and do all of the things that you put on the back burner whilst in the relationship.
Then, when you find someone new, you'll be re-charged, and ready to start fresh, having left the baggage from the other relationship behind :)
I would tell you to get your relationship right with god first. Before you can develop a relationship with someone else you need to know yourself first and what you want. Try praying to god for help, insight, and strength. Used his sons name and make you prayers heart felt he will answer. Read 2 Kings 20:1-6. And see how he answered Hezekiah's prayer hell do the same for you. And don't sleep with anybody that guys and idiot fornicators won't inherit gods kingdom.
Go for a relationship with God?
Spiritually speaking.
Have as much great sex as you can (responsibly, of course) and stay away from ice cream.
Take time to reevaluate your situation. Do not rush into anything.
The best way to get over someone is to get under someone.
I'd recommend onanism.
Think about why all these happened.
That it takes about half the time of the actual relationship to get over heart ache. That and go have a drink.
Drink alot and have sex alot
Get over it quick to save more time.
Don't rush into the next one.
';Choose better next time';
Take your time and heal.
Move on as soon as need living in what hurts you.
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