Saturday, August 21, 2010

Can anyone give me some advice as to how to end a 6yr relationship?

We have been togther since I was in high school. He's 4yrs older than I am and we have a 3 yr old now. I'm basically tired and over trying to fix things that can't be fixed and I feel selfish for wanting to break up our little family. He's a good father but, not a great man. I want to be happy and have tired to separate before it lasted 3 days we could not agree where our daughter should spend the night it was just too hard for me and my biggest concern was her she didn't eat for three days. I felt I had to go back. Please Help!!Can anyone give me some advice as to how to end a 6yr relationship?
You say goodbye to him, pack up your things, and you move out. Sometimes relationships just don't work out in the long haul. Don't feel selfish, there's no reason to stay with someone you do not want to be with. It's selfish to stay and deny yourself AND him, the opportunity to be with someone who'll really dig each of you, and who will want to be with each of you.

Since there is a child, get an attorney and have any legal issues regarding custody, visits, support, etc spelled out. It may seem harsh but for the child's best interest it should be done legally so no one can back out of a verbal agreement if there are issues or hard feelings at some point.

Make sure your daughter knows you both love her, no matter what happens or where either of you live. She doesn't need to be caught in the middle of this...but she will be better off in the long run with y'all apart, than living together but not happy.

Good luck to you.Can anyone give me some advice as to how to end a 6yr relationship?
I'M in a 23 year relation ship i want to end if you find a answer let me know
Sounds like you all have a lot of growing up to do.

You should have gotten married first before screwing up this poor kid's life.

You will probably have to go to court to settle the custody of the child.

What a waste!
when you get ready to leave then just walk away don't stay in the same town dis-pare for a wile and your daughter will adjust it just takes time leave for a wile don't let any one know where your at expect some like your mom but that's it when your ready to come back things have cooled off and it wont be so hard to do what you need to do
Sit down and tell him how you feel HONESTLY, if you see that he hasnt changed in 6 years, sweetheart he isnt.....As far as your daughter is concerned it will be a big adjustment for her, you may need family counseling...counseling can either help the marriage or make the transition period easier......

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