Saturday, August 21, 2010

Relationship trouble. Please give advice...?

I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years. I am 22. We got on well and I do love him but I can not stand the words he uses when we argue, or even disagree over what to watch on tv for example. Words like d**khead, ******, tw*t, loser, waste of space. I don't know if he really means them or if he just doesn't realise the implications of what he saya. Of corse I wind him up and I am far from perfect but the language gets me down and makes me feel like less than zero. I guess what I'm asking is is this normal. I know that other boyfriends I have had have never used language like that to me but then again they were not long term relationships and I don't know if this is the norm or not. Any advice pleaseRelationship trouble. Please give advice...?
It isn't normal at all. His respect for you must be minus several million.

Put it this way, if I spoke like that to my wife then I'd not be able to type this.Relationship trouble. Please give advice...?
It isn't normal and you should not accept it. If he loves you,he would show you some respect and using language like that is not how to love someone....
no it is not normal at all.

Not for me anyway.

Get out

move on

find someone that will treat with respect.

Do you want to be treated like that the rest of your life.

no, i think u r quite right, i would be offended too, there is no need for the language...i am in a long term relationship and i know other people too and that is not acceptable...have u tried to tell him u find the offensive? or could he try to tone it down a bit? if he loves you he will
This shows lack of respect for you and it will never get better. You need to tell him to stop and if he doesn't then you may need to find somebody more suitable.
well if your boyfriend calls you those names it just proves one thing %26amp; that is he is is all the words he uses to insult you so keep that in mind, real love is not what you are getting i have to say. i think men like your boyfriend have serious issues with their own self asteem. i know who the D**k Head is love %26amp; it isn't you. hope this helps.
Ditch the illiterate loser, you can find someone who argues eloquently. Its his way of making himself feel more powerful at your expense.

Next time he does it look him up and down coolly and say 'if you can't speak properly then button it, moron'
Don't let him get away with talking to you like that. I would tell him not to hang out with me if he is going to talk like that. That should motivate him to behave. Good luck. :-)
you usualy find the longer you spend with men they seem to think they can talk to you how they want not so, get him told but nicely, just tell him how it make's you feel and that it as to stop, once and for all, and that you will not be spoken to in that manner, and if he continues to do so then he as no respect for you, my love, then get rid. i no that you love him , but i loved my partner and he spoke to me like ****, i asked him to stop but he still continued, he had to go.
happens in most relationships I am married to a scopio what a right Bastad when he starts but im sure the minute he has given abuse he forgets what he has said because he acts like he has said nothing and cant understand why i get upset
jus dump his ***
Its bullying and verbal abuse thats not love good luck
louise you don't sound very streetwise and no sweetie he shouldn't use that language to you so why don't you lose him
depends on the severity of the argument. I know that sometimes i get so wound up my language is disgraceful but I think it's better to become verbally nasty than to use force and when you know that you are being wound up deliberately then the language really flies
Dont put up with it, he's being abusive. He should have some respect for you, I've never been treated that way and I wouldnt tolerate it either. Maybe you should rethink your relationship.

I have been in a relationship for over six years and not once have I ever been called anything like that. If I am being unreasonable my partner says ';you are being unreasonable';, he would never ever resort to calling me names.

I would speak to your boyfriend about the language he uses. Perhaps he doesn't understand the implications of his language. Maybe his family uses lots of bad language and he doesn't understand that not all people speak to each other like that. If he respects you he will hold his tongue and not use the language.
Hello, Sounds like a bit of tit for tat, Get two telly's, stop winding him up, you don't say how old he his if he is younger than you it could be in retaliation but what-ever you sound more mature.swearing is now all to acceptable but there is swearing at or to you or swearing about every day things like many of us do my wife says it's lack of education or s--t for brainsHaHa. Five years wait until seven year itch. Get a swear box and enjoy a nice holiday together.laugh together and not at each other. remember your never to old for a cuddle wish you both well .Have a star to share.
this language towards you is called abuse. this is the start of an abusive relationship and it will continue to only get worse. once an abuser always an abuser. this type of person cannot and willnot ever change. i know i was in an abusive relationship. get out while you can and get a court order preventing him from coming around you. and do it asap. for your own safety. i am SERIOUS.
You may love him, but it doesn't sound as if he loves you...unless his definition of love includes grossly insulting and undermining someone. Just because a relationship is long term doesn't mean that it's good for you, and if you were satisfied with it you wouldn't be going public like this to ask whether his behaviour is 'normal' It isn't, but you are, and you deserve more respect than this 'waste of space' is giving you. So go find yourself someone who respects you - you're only 22, make a long term relationship with someone who feels that you are special, treats you that way and who lets you choose the channel!.
Hmmmmm not i dont really swear that much when arguing but over the tv its abit sad.

The language he uses is terrible in my case and I would say something like

'if you love me you wouldnt swear at me'

and see what he response to that

good luck =)

PS- I would try and stop winding him up =) and nobodys perfect!

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