please help me! i don't know what to do...
i am deeply in love with a guy i have been dating for offically half a year, but in reality, its been more like a full year.
here is the problem:
we are both extremely strong willed and hard headed, the most stubborn ppl you will meet. so we clash, ALL THE TIME. when we first started dating about a year ago, we literally fought pretty much every week, screaming and yelling at each other. we then had periods of cooling down where we wouldnt fight as much, but still we fought pretty regularly. now we are starting to fight, ALL THE TIME again. it is usually over small, petty things, though sometimes not. at this point, in fact through much of the relationship...i am exhausted. tired of fighting. so i know the easy solution would be to just leave, but there is one problem with that....i love him so much, and he loves me. please, i need your advice.I am in serious need of advice about my relationship...?
If you both truly love each other then you both need to control your tempers and not let your tempers control you. Takes self discipline to keep one's emotions in tack. To just excuse the behaviour by accepting ';we both are strong willed and hard headed'; is to not give in to compromise. Children have tantrums, adults discuss things over to resolve problems. Time for you both to learn how to resolve conflict with a more mature attitude. Best of luck to you.I am in serious need of advice about my relationship...?
compromising is a wonderful tool that can make a relationship strong and promising. you absolutely CANNOT love each other truly unless you can learn to compromise and respect each others opinions. don`t forget that you have to trust each other also or your relationship is certainly doomed. try this; pick a day where the man does nothing but listens to what the woman has to say, and, a day when the woman listens exclusively to the man. can`t hurt! just try. you might each learn something about the other. GOOD LUCK GUYS!!!!!!!!!!
I had the same problem! I went through that for three years and then MARRIED the guy and continued to have huge, horrible arguments which got worse and worse. I'm still with him, and we're still working through it because there's too much love under the frustration to leave him. Finally, my father-in-law bought us an awesome book: ';Why Can't You Shut Up?: How We Ruin Relationships--How Not To'; by Anthony Wolf. It's really helped. I recommend that you grab a copy on ebay or amazon (link below), maybe it can help you, too! Good luck!
best thing to do is to look at your part in the argument,its always easier to look at the other's faults and judge them,but if we take a look at our part in the argument and ask yourself is this petty thing really worth the argument.The other thing you can do is reconize your feelings before the fight and before it gets to the yelling stage defuse the situation simply by saying I love you and I dont want to fight right now can we talk later and then listen to his side without jumping in to prove your point hear his whole side and hope he will hear yours after that try seeking couples counciling and aftet that maybey its not meant to be good luck
You both need to learn to compromise. Both of you can't be right all of the time.
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