Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Any advice for a long-distance relationship?

My girlfriend and I are about to enter a five year period of long distance relationship. I'm going to college this year and she's leaving next year. Yes, we're very young, but we're also very much in love and we are going to work as hard as humanly possible (and harder if need be) to keep this going. We know it'll be hard, but we are very optimistic about it. We've agreed that if we get through these five years we'll spend maybe half a year together and then think about getting married. Does anybody have any tips or advice for us? Do you think our long-term plan is reasonable? Thanks a lot!Any advice for a long-distance relationship?
It really depends on how long you two have been together now. before the two of you go your ways how long were you together in the same area? I believe that anything is possible and having a possitive attitude will make this easy . If you start doubting that it wont work then you guys will have many problems. Do you fully trust each other?? Trust is the main thing in an LDR. if you cant trust the other person to be faithful then your relationship might as well end now because it will drive you both crazy. If you have love for each other and can handle the ups and downs of a local relationship then an LDR will not harm it but make it stronger in the sense that this is the big test in weather or not it will last. Remember keep your head up and if issues pop up always stop to think first before reacting and it will work for the both of you. It takes two so make sure she is in it 100% as well as you. IF only one is working to keep it alive then it will fail as well. Write, call and if it is possible to visit each other for like holidays and such then do that as well. Best luck to you both :)Any advice for a long-distance relationship?
advice: breakup or get married now
I would suggested waiting longer for marriage. no need to rush, the commitment of just being together should be enough. also, when you guys leave for college a huge part of it is learning to fend for yourselves, so I also suggested you both having separate places for a while before each of you are self-sufficient. then maybe move in together if things are working out.

A HUGE help for my longdistance relationship when it was longdistance is, if you guys have webcams it is really nice to be able to see eachother and it's also a speaker thing so it's pretty close to being in person. it helps.

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