Sunday, July 25, 2010

I need some advice on my relationship!?

Here is my deal I have been with my on and off boyfriend for over 5 years now. We know each other to a tee. Lately I have been feeling like I am out of love with him. I mean he tells me he loves me and I say it back but I don't feel it anymore. I think its because of the way our relationship has become. We live together and I spend 80% of my time on my own. He is too busy playing online poker or playing World of warcraft. He never helps me with anything or helps takes care of our animals. I feel like I do EVERYTHING around the house. I do not have a job right now, so I am pleased to do it., but its the fact that he doesn't acknowledge it and appreciate it. I am at my wits end. I tell him to now disrecspect me by cussing at me and then he will cuss and cuss. I can't tell you the last time he thought about me when he was like at teh store or got me anything. But I in turn think about him and get him things that he might want. I am just so confused and so hurt by this relationship. I want a love! I want to be adored. I think every girl deserves to have a love like that. Any advice would be great! Thanks! Be KIND!I need some advice on my relationship!?
Have an honest talk with him and tell him he needs to start

pulling his weight in the relationship if he wants it to last.

If it turns out he values his game more than you,it's time to dump him and find another man. Good luck,whatever happens.I need some advice on my relationship!?
Delete his World of Warcraft game. It's been killing a lot of relationships. My friend had a boyfriend who was addicted to that game, and and she said enough was enough when he told her that he had to go home and go ';on a raid'; (whatever that means) in that game during the middle of their date. Once he gets his mind off that game, he'll appreciate you more.
Problems like these are dealt with from the inside. We can't give you advice.. really you need to deal with this yourself by standing up and taking action and creating order yourself. No matter what we tell you it is up to you to make the choice. What ever it may be.

Good luck!
after 5 years u probly would know if they are the one or not... go with ur gut feeling, if ur not happy or its not working then move on if not then u have to get the chemistry back again... 4get how long uve been 2gether and go out and just have fun like ur getting to know eachother all over again if its what u really want...
I think you both should do something speicl like go on a trip or something, and renew the relation ship between you both. if that didnt help so you are with the wrong man.....

sorry to say that
I was going to take time to answer your question. But after reading ';founck's'; answer I think he said it all. He has given you wonderful advice. Good luck.
First off, I used to play world of warcraft so I know first hand how much of your time that game requires. In fact, I realized that it was putting a strain on my relationship with my girlfriend which is one of the reasons why I stopped playing.

I think you need to have an honest conversation with him and tell him what you need out of the relationship and see if he is willing to make the changes necessary to make your relationship work. If he isn't willing to do that then you need to move on to someone that will appreciate you and want to spend time with you.

Good luck
Since you've invested so much time into this relationship I think you should try to work things out, definitely. I mean there is always the option of breaking off and trying to find someone that appreciates you more, but it's up to you. Have you told him how you feel? If so and he still doesn't show you much respect, then just stop doing all the things you do that show how you appreciate him and respect and love(like) him. I feel like the words ';I love you'; have become more robotic than anything for you guys. Stop saying it. Sometimes, if not often, you have to take things out of your life to really appreciate them once again.

I really hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck.

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