Saturday, July 31, 2010

I need advice regarding my relationship.?

Here's the story...

I was with a guy for 5 years and in the last year of our relationship I met somebody else. I didn't break up with the person I was with for 5 years while I was seeing the other guy because I was too weak to do it. Well the guy I was seeing found out in the 8th month we were together. I broke up with the guy I was with for 5 years. The guy I was seeing decided to stay with me and to work things out. Its been over a year since this happened and he can't get over it and every little thing I tell him I get accused of lying. I am crying every day practically and I have a lot of anger inside. I don't know what to do. I love him very much and I care about him but he constantly tells me that I don't care about him or love him. I don't know how to show him that I love him because he is so blinded by what happened. I am on my witts end because I have been dealing with this everyday for over a year. Please HELP!!I need advice regarding my relationship.?
Look, you made a mistake, right?, but you admitted to it and are now trying to move on. This guy can't let it go, and that's now his problem. Remind him that you left a relationship of 5 years for him and if that's not enough evidence of your comittment to your relationship, then nothing ever will be. Tell him that. Tell him he needs to realize what you gave up to be with him and what he is doing to you now by doubting your every move. Two wrongs don't make a right, ya know? He probably has trust/comittment issues that need dealt with, but they are his problems, not yours. If he can't see all that, then tell him he can't see you anymore. Go find someone that makes you happy and trusts you.I need advice regarding my relationship.?
Usually, if someone is accusing you each and everyday, it's a cover up for them doing something that they shouldn't be doing; you throw you off?

It won't work're obviously miserable, and how long do u want to remain that way? People need to learn how to let go of relationships that are doomed. Yes it's hard because you've been there for so long...but what's worth it: the pain you're going through now, and not being able to do anything about it except plead your case on a daily basis? OR...having a temporary empty feeling in your heart because, although you miss your guy, you knew it was the right thing to do for yourself?
I guess it's hard for him to trust you again because you sort of cheated on him. In my opinion, it's hard for you to maintain this relationship because there is no trust anymore. Stop hurting yourself and him, it's time for you both to move on. Either he change his way and give the relationship a chance, or it's over. Honestly, why are you clinging on to a relationship that makes you miserable every day of your life? Can you even imagine yourself marrying him?
This guy can't except that you made a mistake so hes using it against you. Lose his butt to. Hes not worth for crying everyday for. I would try to go with the guy b4 becaus if u were w/ him for 5 yrs then it means u were great til the other guy came. Think bout wat youll put up w/ for the rest of ur relationship. It doesnt look so good. C wats up with the guy u were w/ 5 yr. Even if the other guy has a gf already stil dump this one
You obviously need to be by yourself for a while...break up with him.
Tell him that you are very sorry about the way things started out, that you love him/care about him and have been completely faithful and intend to stay that way. Let him know how you feel about his refusal to let the past go. Request that you both go to counseling to work through this so you can have a happy future without all the issues.
if this guy cant trust you then why are you with him listen you need to tell him to either start trusting you or let you go so you can be with someone that can trust you and not accuse you 24/7 how emotinally draining that would be for anyone
time to move on and find someone who will apreciate you sorry thats the best answer i can give not the one you would like to hear right now.
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