i used to live in PA with my boyfriend, but he always got jealous and controlling. it didn't happen all the time. just every so often.. on night he did go over the edge and hit me. about a week after that he got upset with me cause he thought i was flirting with his brother, when i would never do anything like that to him. so i called up my mother and moved back down here to WV. i've been down here since june... and i still love him. i've never stopped thinking about him,and i feel like i should give him second chance. even though he hit me once.... also i have hooked up with one guy down here and i've told my friend about that. he did get a little upset but is giving me a second chance. that makes me feel like i should give him a chance too since hes giving me another one... i just need help really bad right now please. what should i do? go back up there with him, or just try to get over him?Girls and guys please give me some advice on my relationship!?
HE HIT YOU!?omevg tell him to go ***** himself, ******** ***** THAT PIZZES ME THE ***** OFF! LIL ******** DOUCH-*******!.
......i bet his teeth are yellow.....
TEEHEEGirls and guys please give me some advice on my relationship!?
If he has done it once..he will surely do it again. I've never been in ur position so its hard to give advice when you haven't been in the situation. But you need to be with someone that you will be safe with and happy. I suggest moving on as hard as it will be, you can do it.
you did the right thing. if he hit you once he will do it again.
look is up to you to do whatever you want because if i told do not go back because the same thing will happen again you may not listen to me and do what you head tells you. i been in a lot of relationships and when i go back to him we Always end up breaking up it may not happen to you.but sometimes you think maybe you loves him but is all that you are so scarred of being lonely that's why you think you love and you think about him all the time because you do not like the person you are dating is all just a mind games it happen to everybody. what im say is that is all up to you take him back or not risk is part of life too.
Try to get over him. I think that's what you were trying to do subconsciously when you hooked up with that other guy. Hoping for someone to make you forget.
He hit you. You said he's controlling. You said he's jealous. I know not all the time. But you have to remember he does get this way and when he does - that's when you don't want to be with him.
You were right to move back home. Don't go back to him. He might hurt you worse next time - he needs some help for his anger and his issues.
He's giving you another chance? You don't need one. He's the one who hurt you. So what if you hooked up - you aren't technically with him. It just sounds like he's toying with your emotions.
Please just get over him. You deserve better.
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