Saturday, July 31, 2010

If your in a serious relationship and your gf/bf asks for advice on how to cheat, break up, etc,?

Would you not be mad?

Do you think about that when you answer a question on here that deals with cheating?

(I have seen some pretty crummy answers on here promoting cheating is why I have asked)If your in a serious relationship and your gf/bf asks for advice on how to cheat, break up, etc,?
You have to take the answers given here with a grain of salt. People are able to post anonymously so you're going to get a wide spectrum of answers, you just need to be able to filter out all of the fluff.

I don't really think of my relationship with my wife when answering questions I just try to put myself in the asker's shoes and then tell them what I would do.If your in a serious relationship and your gf/bf asks for advice on how to cheat, break up, etc,?
If someone that I was in a relationship with ever asked that, I'd say here's how --- ';goodbye';. And walk away. There's only one reason they want to know that.
Whether or not I would be mad is not the issue.

Whether or not my gf would want to cheat or to break up with me is the issue.

If all I could do after learning of that kind of request is to be mad, then I would have to say that my GF was taking the right road and fleeing my selfish insensitivity.

What I'm saying here, is that if your significant other has decided to ask someone for advice about how to cheat or how to break up, then your significant other has been loathing your relationship for quite a while, and SOMETHING needs to be done about it... breaking up and cheating being two of the MANY things that could be done.

It might be time for you to have a chat with your significant other and find out what he or she is perceiving the problem to be.

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