Saturday, July 31, 2010

Just like a little advice about a new relationship?

I met this girl about 5 months ago and we've been dating for about four months now. It has really seemed to be going very well, however, I started to realize that at times she can very distant and detatched, and that sometimes its a struggle for her to talk about the way she feels. I know that some of it has to do with pain she carries around about her oldest sister being a drug addict, and some abuse that happened between her dad and this sister. Luckily it seems the dad was out of the picture before it affected her directly... Additionally, beyond all of this, she moved away from Hawaii about a year and a half ago and realized by seeing some things she wrote that she still misses and constantly thinks about the guy she was seeing while she lived there... She seems genuine and says that she loves me.. When I asked her about this she said that she just never got closure when she left because she just left without ever knowing what kind of relationship they had...?? I don't knowJust like a little advice about a new relationship?
let her deal with it and when she needs you always have your heart and ears open for her. dont pressure her or over analyze the situation. if she needs you (and she might not need you to get over this, and she may not ever get over this at all) she will come to you if you let her know the door is always open. be a good, supportive boyfriend and she will appreciate you for it.

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