Monday, November 21, 2011

I'm in a new relationship and I need advice?

This isn't so much a question but curiously asking what I should be doing. You see, he and I both believe that sex for the first time, for a new couple should be special... so I'm a little worried about the whole sex thing, when it happens. I think he's hinting towards wanting to do it the night of year 12 graduation. I like him a lot, but the graduation isn't that long away and so I'm incredibly nervous. I have no idea how to go about doing it... My past relationships where I've had sex have been really.. I dunno.. just fast and meaningless. As though the sex was just for sex, rather than an input to the relationship.

SO, getting to the point, what am I supposed to do? Has anyone got any tips? What should I do? Positions, maybe? Err, I'm nervous...I'm in a new relationship and I need advice?
Well, first off, I would celebrate the year 12 graduation as a single event. Save the sex for it's very own special occasion so one event doesn't over shadow the other. Then, when you both feel you are really ready, just follow your heart. In the meantime, you might want to read some books about it. Try this article for the top ten books -鈥?/a>I'm in a new relationship and I need advice?
Don't do it unless you deeply feel it's time, and that you want to share that with him. I see no sign that you will value this, and be glad for it in the future. Do NOT pretend!
Well, if you're nervous, wait until you arent. Try not to plan it, just let it happen. the more you plan it, the more pressure is put on it.

make sure to have the first sex when neither of you have had sex for a while, it'll be more worth it, and neither of you will notice the other's faults.

and as for first time positions, try to do half and half, with him on top, and you on top. no need to start with anything insane.

afterall, i'm sure you want to make him curious about what else you can do in the bedroom.
well i don't know where you're from, but for me, graduation's in may. only do it if you feel comfortable enough with him, and if you don't, just tell him. if he's thoughtful enough to wait for graduation, he should be able to wait a little longer.
You shouldn't be nervous. If your nervous, your not ready.

It will happen when it happens. And when/if it does happen, let him take the lead.

You shouldn't 'arrange' the night its going to happen because that will just pressure on the both of you, your better off just seeing how things go.

But please, if your not ready and dont feel 100% about it, then dont do it.

My advise to you, is just enjoy it when you can, if you do hav sex with him, make sure u use protection ;)
if you are that nervous then you should him that you are not ready. i think he would understand.
look when you guys start its gonna be like walking you forget what your doing a concentrate on what going on - i hope you get it
Looks like he is more nervous than you.

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